A large list of complexity results for parameterized problems has recently been compiled and is now available via anonymous ftp.
A large list of complexity results for parameterized problems has recently been compiled and is now available via anonymous ftp .
Parameterized complexity dichotomy for Steiner Multicut · On parameterized exponential time complexity · Parameterized Complexity of Graph Burning.
Mar 15, 1999 · This page contains links to all publicly-available files associated with the compendium of parameterized complexity results, as compiled by ...
We present a list of parameterized problems together with a complexity classification of whether they allow a fixed-parameter tractable reduction to SAT or not.
Sep 15, 2006 · This document includes a list of computational problems that have been studied within the framework of parameterized complexity. It is mainly ...
We consider the problem of designing a near-optimal linear decision tree to classify two given point sets B and W in $\Re^n$. A linear decision tree defines ...
In this appendix we present a compendium of existing complexity results for computational-level theories in the cognitive science literature. The.
The parameterized complexity classes W[t], t ≥ 1, W[SAT] and W[P] can be used to give evidence that a given parameterized problem is not fixed-parameter ...
These problems are parameterized versions of problems whose complexity lies at the second level of the Polynomial Hierarchy or higher, and whether they ...