Aug 2, 1993 · We present a numerical study on the use of eigenvalue-based techniques to find upper and lower bounds for this problem. Results for bisecting ...
A Computational Study of Graph Partitioning. Julie Falkner. Massey University ... We also use test graphs from this class, studied previously for partitioning.
Abstract. Let G = (N; E) be an edge-weighted undirected graph. The graph partitioning problem is the problem of partitioning the node set N into k disjoint ...
A numerical study on the use of eigenvalue-based techniques to find upper and lower bounds for the graph partitioning problem and shows that the techniques ...
The graph partitioning problem is the problem of partitioning the node set N into k disjoint subsets of specified sizes so as to minimize the total weight of ...
A computational study of graph partitioning. Authors: Julie Falkner. Julie ... A computational study of graph partitioning. Mathematics of computing.
In this study, we explore the applicability of existing methods for special types of graphs with represent multi-community landscape of online social networks ( ...
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We present a numerical study on the use of eigenvalue-based techniques to find upper and lower bounds for this problem. Results for bisecting graphs with up to ...
We present the first detailed performance analysis of state- of-the-art, work-efficient graph analytics applications using different graph partitioning ...
intRoDuction. “Graph partitioning” refers to a family of computational problems in which the vertices of a graph have to be par-.