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A new backward stable algorithm (Algorithm 2) for polynomial interpolation based on the Lagrange and the Newton interpolation forms is proposed.
Dec 22, 2006 · A new backward stable algorithm (Algorithm 2) for polynomial interpolation based on the Lagrange and the Newton interpolation forms is ...
A new backward stable algorithm (Algorithm 2) for polynomial interpolation based on the Lagrange and the Newton interpolation forms is proposed.
A new backward stable algorithm (Algorithm 2) for polynomial interpolation based on the Lagrange and the Newton interpolation forms is proposed.
This paper presents a new method for evaluating high order divided differences for certain classes of analytic, possibly, operator values functions based on ...
There is one more method that is, computationally, much more efficient than any of the algorithms above. This is the so-called method of divided di erences. is ...
An algorithm that delivers the required polynomial in Chebyshev form based on the repeated use of the Newton representation, with a data ordering strategy ...
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Abstract. Algorithms based on Newton's interpolation formula are given for: simple polynomial interpolation, polynomial interpolation with derivatives ...
We apply a completely distinct approach to compute approximate solutions to both problems equally fast but with improved numerical stability.
Missing: efficient | Show results with:efficient
Note that Algorithm 4.1 for picking a minimum interpolating set is essentially a greedy algorithm: at each stage it picks a new element x that minimizes Pj ...