AM2iCo: Evaluating Word Meaning in Context across Low-Resource Languages with Adversarial Examples. Capturing word meaning in context and distinguishing between correspondences and variations across languages is key to building successful multilingual and cross-lingual text representation models.
Apr 17, 2021
Capturing word meaning in context and distinguishing between correspondences and variations across languages is key to building successful multilingual and ...
Nov 7, 2021 · Capturing word meaning in context and dis- tinguishing between correspondences and vari- ations across languages is key to building.
PDF | Capturing word meaning in context and distinguishing between correspondences and variations across languages is key to building successful.
AM2iCo (Adversarial and Multilingual Meaning in Context), a wide-coverage cross-lingual and multilingual evaluation set, aims to faithfully assess the ...
This study adopts the combined setting where each input consists of a word in context instance paired with a definition and a hypernym, and the task is to ...
AM2iCo: Evaluating Word Meaning in Context across Low-Resource Languages with Adversarial Examples. bookmark share cite. Speakers. Qianchu Liu.
Apr 16, 2021 · in AM2iCo: Evaluating Word Meaning in Context across Low-Resource Languages with Adversarial Examples. AM2iCo is a wide-coverage and ...
Bibliographic details on AM2iCo: Evaluating Word Meaning in Context across Low-Resource Languages with Adversarial Examples.
-In this work, we present AM2iCo, a wide-coverage and carefully designed cross-lingual and multilingual evaluation set; it aims to assess the ability of state- ...