In this paper we present an experiment on a real world scenario that demonstrates the strong analytical power of massive, raw trajectory data made available as ...
Mar 22, 2010 · In this paper we present an experiment on a real world scenario that demonstrates the strong analytical power of massive, raw trajectory data ...
This paper presents an experiment on a real world scenario that demonstrates the strong analytical power of massive, raw trajectory data made available as a ...
The experiment has been made possible by the GeoPKDD system, an integrated platform for complex analysis of mobility data. The system combines spatio-temporal ...
In this paper we present an experiment on a real world scenario that demonstrates the strong analytical power of massive, raw trajectory data made available as ...
Title, Advanced knowledge discovery on movement data with the GeoPKDD system ; Publication Type, Conference Paper ; Year of Publication, 2010 ; Authors, Nanni, M, ...
Advanced knowledge discovery on movement data with the GeoPKDD system. NANNI, MIRCO;TRASARTI, ROBERTO;CHIARA RENSO;GIANNOTTI, FOSCA;PEDRESCHI, DINO.
... The system combines spatio-temporal query capabilities with data mining and semantic technologies to provide a comprehensive support for mobility discovery ...
Advanced knowledge discovery on movementdata with the GeoPKDD system In 13th Int. Conf. on ExtendingDatabase Technology, pages 693–696, 2010.[9] C. Song, T ...
In this article, we focus our study on animal movement data analysis and examine advanced data mining methods for discovery of various animal movement patterns.