This paper focuses on the analysis of communication mechanisms within program modules; however, the analysis techniques can be generalized to handle inter- ...
This paper focuses on the analysis of communication mechanisms within program modules; however, the analysis techniques can be generalized to handle inter- ...
An Attribute Grammar Approach to Compiler Optimization of IntraModule Interprocess Communication. C. McNamee, и R. Olsson. International Journal of Parallel ...
Apr 25, 2024 · An attribute grammar approach to compiler optimization of intra-module interprocess communication. Int. J. Parallel Program. 20(3): 181-202 ...
An attribute grammar approach to compiler optimization of intra-module interprocess communication ... interprocess analysis techniques using attribute grammars ...
An attribute grammar approach to compiler optimization of intra-module interprocess communication · Computer Science. International journal of parallel ...
An attribute grammar approach to compiler optimization of intra-module interprocess communication. Carole M Mcnamee ... Ronald A Olsson. International Journal ...
"An attribute grammar approach to compiler optimization of intra-module interprocess communication." International Journal of Parallel Programming 20, no. 3 ...
more... 1An Attribute Grammar Approach to Compiler Optimization of IntraModule Interprocess Communication · C. McNamee, and R. Olsson. International Journal ...