Nov 8, 2002 · Caching mechanisms are commonly implemented to improve the user experience as well as the server scalability at popular web sites.
Abstract. Caching mechanisms are commonly implemented to improve the user experience as well as the server scalability at popular web sites.
Nov 8, 2002 · Caching mechanisms are commonly implemented to improve the user experience as well as the server scalability at popular web sites.
Caching mechanisms are commonly implemented to improve the user experience as well as the server scalability at popular web sites.
In this paper we present and analyze the design of a web serving architecture that has been successfully used to host a number of recent, popular sporting event ...
Caching mechanisms are commonly implemented to improve the user experience as well as the server scalability at popular web sites.
Analysis of caching mechanisms from sporting event Web sites. Author: ZHEN LIU1 ; SQUILLANTE, Mark1 ; XIA, Cathy1 ; YU, S1 ; LI ZHANG1 ; MALOUCH, Naceur1 ...
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Analysis of caching mechanisms from sporting event web sites. Zhen Liu; Mark Squillante; et al. 2002; Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries ...
Abstract. This paper presents a new approach for consistently caching dynamic Web data in order to improve performance. Our algo-.
Abstract. This paper presents a new approach for consistently caching dynamic Web data in order to improve performance. Our algo-.