This paper describes a perceptual experiment which was run to determine if lexical stress pattern and phonemic string are represented separately at some ...
Are stress and phonemic string processed separately? evidence from speech illusions. by José Morais. 3rd European Conference on Speech Communication and ...
subjects experience sometimes the illusion of hearing the target MINgua, it could support the hypothesis that phonemic string and stress pattern are processed.
Are tone and phonetic string processed separately? Evidence from speech illusions. Paper session presented at Forum “Phonetics and phonology of African ...
Are stress and phonemic string processed separately? Evidence from speech illusions. Proceedings of the European Conference on Speech. Communication and ...
This paper examines the questions, what levels of speech can be perceived visually, and how is visual speech represented by the brain?
... process is one of many physiological changes that happen during stress ... Are stress and phonemic string processed separately? evidence from speech illusions.
Are stress and phonemic string processed separately? evidence from speech illusions · José Morais. 3rd European Conference on Speech Communication and ...
Perceptual illusions in speech are often said to occur when listeners encounter a sequence that is phonotactically impossible in their own language. For example ...
Speech perception consists of a set of computations that take continuously varying acoustic waveforms as input and generate discrete representations that make ...