In this article, we combine the traditional checkpointing and rollback recovery strategies with verification mechanisms to cope with both fail-stop and silent ...
Apr 18, 2015 · In addition to classical fail-stop errors (such as hardware failures), silent errors (a.k.a silent data corruptions) cannot be ignored any ...
Worse, several types of errors need to be considered when computing at scale. In addition to the classical fail-stop errors (such as hardware failures), silent ...
In this paper, we combine the traditional checkpointing and rollback recovery strategies with verification mechanisms to cope with both fail-stop and silent ...
General-purpose approach. Checkpointing and Verification. Simulations. Assessing General-Purpose Algorithms to Cope with Fail-stop and Silent Errors. Anne ...
Sep 19, 2014 · These schemes assume instantaneous error detection (therefore mainly targeting fail-stop failures) and are unable to accommodate silent errors.
scenario using intermediate verifications and different speeds. Key-words: HPC, resilience, checkpoint, verification, failures, fail-stop error, silent data.
In this paper, we combine the traditional checkpointing and rollback recovery strategies with verification mechanisms to address both fail-stop and silent ...
In this article, we combine the traditional checkpointing and rollback recovery strategies with verification mechanisms to cope with both fail-stop and ...
This article combines the traditional checkpointing and rollback recovery strategies with verification mechanisms to cope with both fail-stop and silent ...