Here we discuss some corollaries of this proposition. In Section 3, we give an upper bound for P(nl,n 2) which is sometimes better than the bound of [I ] ...
The normality of binary codes is studied. The minimum cardinality of a binary code of length n with covering radius R is denoted by K ( n , R ).
Jun 22, 2005 · We present some new lower and upper bounds for the covering radius of codes dual to the product of parity check codes.
Abstract. Asymptotically bounding the covering radius in terms of the dual distance is a well-studied problem. We will combine the polynomial approach with ...
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This results from an upper bound on the number of nonzero weights in the dual code R(m - 3, m) ' = R(2, m) found by Kasami. 1251. Next, an elegant construction ...
Jul 25, 2018 · In what follows, we highlight the gap by comparing the covering radius of dual BCH codes with the typical covering radius of linear codes of the.
Tietaivainen (1991) derived an upper bound on the covering radius of codes as a function of the dual distance. This was generalized to the minimum distance, ...
In this two-part paper we introduce the notion of a stable code and give a new upper bound on the normalized covering radius of a code. The main results are ...
Let C be a sequence of codes Cn of length n, dual distance d┴ and covering radius R, where R/n → ρ and d┴/n → δ┴ when n → ∞. We start with a lower bound.
Abstract. This paper introduces new reduction and torsion codes for an octonary code and determines their basic properties. These could be useful for.