Dec 6, 1993 · The problem of consistently assigning probabilities to logical formulas is an important problem. In this paper a set of logical formulas ...
This description is the key to characterizing consistency in probabilistic logic for a class of Horn problems. • When the underlying graph is perfect or t- ...
Abstract: The problem of consistently assigning probabilities to logical formulas is an important problem. In this paper a set of logical formulas will be ...
One of the problems (mainly unsolved) in probabilistic logic is to consistently assign probabilities to logical formulas. In this paper we consider Horn ...
One of the problems (mainly unsolved) in probabilistic logic is to consistently assign probabilities to logical formulas. In this paper we consider Horn ...
A new method for a class of linear variational inequalities · Author ... Characterizing consistency in probabilistic logic for a class of Horn clauses.
Characterizing consistency in probabilistic logic for a class of Horn clauses · K. Andersen ; Determining lower and upper bounds on probabilities of atomic ...
Bingsheng He: A new method for a class of linear variational inequalities. ... Kim Allen Andersen: Characterizing consistency in probabilistic logic for a class ...
Characterizing consistency in probabilistic logic for a class of Horn clauses. Mathematical Programming, Vol. 66, No. 1-3. Bayesian logic. Decision Support ...
{1} K.A. Andersen, Characterizing consistency in probabilistic logic for a class of Horn clauses, Mathematical Programming 66 (1994) 257-271. Digital ...