Nov 5, 2016 · Using multiway data analysis [1], we extract compressed outline shapes of objects from global texture of volumetric data. For this extraction, ...
We introduce a method to extract compressed outline shapes of objects from global textures of volumetric data and to classify them by multiway tensor ...
We introduce a method to extract compressed outline shapes of objects from global textures of volumetric data and to classify them by multiway tensor analysis.
We introduce a method to extract compressed outline shapes of objects from global textures of volumetric data and to classify them by multiway tensor.
This chapter outlines some of the challenging aspects of applying multiway data modeling in classification issues analyzing selected examples of current ...
In this paper, the volumetric image classification problem is posed as a multi-instance classification problem and a novel method is proposed to adaptively ...
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Apr 12, 2016 · In this paper, we aim to improve both volumetric CNNs and multi-view CNNs according to extensive analysis of existing approaches.
When the ways, or criteria of classification of the data, are not fully crossed, we use the denomination: “multiway data set”, as opposed to “multiway data.
Bibliographic details on Classification of Volumetric Data Using Multiway Data Analysis.