Local space average color is taken as an estimate of the illuminant for each image pixel. This estimate of the illuminant is then used to perform a local color correction step for each image pixel.
Mar 21, 2008 · One frequently made assumption is that on average, the world is gray. We address the problem of color constancy and focus on the use of space ...
We discuss several different methods on how to com- pute local space average color. The performance of the different algorithms as well as related algorithms is ...
We discuss several different methods on how to compute local space average color. The performance of the different algorithms as well as related algorithms is ...
Color constancy theory suggests that colors are perceived through light-matter interactions rather than being inherent properties of objects, with object colors ...
Local space average color is used to shift the color of the input pixel in the direction of the gray vector. The computations are executed inside the unit color ...
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Colour constancy algorithms attempt to provide an accurate colour representation of images independent of the illuminant colour used for scene illumination.
We address the problem of color constancy and focus on the use of space average color for color constancy. ... local space average color as the illuminant ...
Jan 30, 2008 · Algorithms based on local space average color are sim- ple, yet highly effective for the problem of color constancy. Such algorithms are ...
A well-known color constancy method is based on the gray-world assumption which assumes that the average reflectance of surfaces in the world is achromatic. In ...