Portfolio approach for parallel SAT solvers is known as the standard parallelisation technique. In portfolio, diversification is one of the important ...
Community Branching for Parallel Portfolio SAT Solvers | Semantic ...
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A novel diversification technique, called community branching, is proposed, which assigns a different set (or sets) of variables (called a community) to ...
Community branching forces each worker in the portfolio to branch on a specific set (or sets) of the variables in early decision levels, and prompt the workers ...
Portfolio approach for parallel SAT solvers is known as the standard parallelisation technique. In portfolio, diversification is one of the important ...
Community branching for parallel portfolio. SAT solvers. In Carsten Sinz and Uwe Egly, editors, Proceedings of SAT 2014, volume 8561 of. LNCS, pages 188–196.
Community branching for parallel portfolio. SAT solvers. In Carsten Sinz and Uwe Egly, editors, Proceedings of SAT 2014, volume 8561 of. LNCS, pages 188–196.
In this section, we describe the structure of our parallel SAT solver. Our solver implements a combined divide and con- quer plus portfolio approach. At the ...
Missing: Community | Show results with:Community
The concept of community structure has been proposed as a possible explanation for the extraordinary performance of SAT solvers in industrial instances. Hence, ...
In order to prevent these overlaps, we propose a novel diversification method, called block branching, for the portfolio approach. Preliminary experimental ...
Missing: Community | Show results with:Community
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This paper provides a broad overview of the situation in the area of Parallel Search with a specific focus on Parallel. SAT Solving.
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