Abstract. We introduce dag consistency, a relaxed consistency model for distributed shared memory which is suitable for multi- threaded programming.
Introduces DAG (directed acyclic graph) consistency, a relaxed consistency model for distributed shared memory which is suitable for multithreaded programming.
Dag consistency is a relaxed consistency model for dis- tributed shared memory, and the BACKER algorithm collaborates with the work-stealing scheduler in order ...
We introduce dag consistency, a relaxed consistency model for distributed shared memory which is suitable for multithreaded programming.
In this paper, we analyze the performance of parallel mttlti- threaded algorithms that use dag-consistent distributed shared mem-.
In this paper, we analyze the performance of parallel multithreaded algorithms that use dag-consistent distributed shared memory.
... dag-consistent distributed shared memory. Specifically, we analyze execution time, page faults, and space requirements for multithreaded algorithms executed ...
We present a novel approach to parallel discrete event simulation based on the Cilk model of multithreaded computation. Cilk's runtime system not only ...
Abstract. This paper presents a novel approach to parallel discrete event simulation based on a provably e cient scheduler for multithreaded programming.
In this study, we examine the performance of dag-consistent distributed shared memory-based parallel multithreaded algorithms. With regard to multithreaded ...