Originally presented by Darwiche (2011), Sentential De- cision Diagrams (SDDs) are a powerful yet compact and empirically efficient representation formalism for ...
Jan 20, 2022 · Belief revision is the task of modifying a knowledge base when new information becomes available, while also respecting a number of desirable properties.
Researchr is a web site for finding, collecting, sharing, and reviewing scientific publications, for researchers by researchers. Sign up for an account to ...
Sep 6, 2024 · Belief revision is the task of modifying a knowledge base when new information becomes available, while also respecting a number of ...
Jan 20, 2022 · Yet, those revisions cannot be applied to sentential decision diagrams (SDDs), a typically more compact but still canonical class of Boolean ...
Belief revision is the task of modifying a knowledge base when new information becomes available, while also respecting a number of desirable properties.
Here we fill this gap by deriving a general revision algorithm for SDDs based on a syntactic characterisation of Dalal revision. A specialised procedure for ...
Apr 25, 2024 · Dalal's Revision in Sentential Decision Diagrams. ISAIM 2022. [i3]. view. electronic edition @ arxiv.org (open access); references & citations.
https://dblp.org/rec/conf/isaim/MatteiAF22 · Lilith Mattei, Alessandro Antonucci, Alessandro Facchini: Dalal's Revision in Sentential Decision Diagrams.
Here we fill this gap by deriving a general revision algorithm for SDDs based on a syntactic characterisation of Dalal revision. A specialised procedure for ...