In this paper we explore the power of deep learning models on the specific problem of detection of network attacks, using different representations for the ...
In this paper we explore the power of deep learning models on the specific problem of detection of network attacks, using different representations for the ...
There are two main problems associated with this approach: firstly, it requires expert domain knowledge to select the input features, and secondly, different ...
DeepSec meets RawPower - Deep Learning for Detection of Network Attacks Using Raw Representations ; Proceedings of 36th International Symposium on Computer ...
The application of machine learning models to the analysis of network traffic measurements has largely grown in recent years. In the networking domain, ...
This work explores the power of deep learning models to perform anomaly detection on network traffic data, taking as input raw measurements coming directly ...
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Jan 5, 2021 · DeepSec meets RawPower - DL for Detection of Network Attacks Using Raw Representations. In ACM SIGMETRICS Performance Evaluation Review, vol ...
DeepSec meets RawPower-deep learning for detection of network attacks using raw representations. G Marín, P Casas, G Capdehourat. ACM SIGMETRICS Performance ...
DeepSec meets RawPower - Deep Learning for Detection of Network Attacks Using Raw Representations · Computer Science, Engineering. Sigmetrics Performance ...
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