We define generalized one-way quantum finite automata (GQFAs) that capture the most general quantum computation that can be carried out with restricted mem- ...
This motivates the study of quantum computation with restricted memory and no reinitialization, that is, of quantum finite automata. It was known that there are ...
Apr 18, 1998 · We prove an exponential lower bound on the size of 1-way quantum finite automata for a family of languages accepted by linear sized deterministic finite ...
Sep 30, 2024 · This motivates the study of quantum computation with restricted memory and no reinitialization, that is, of quantum finite automata. It was ...
We show that nontrivial quantum codes exist that have no classical counterparts. On the other hand, we show that quantum encoding cannot save more than a ...
1-way quantum finite automata: strengths, weaknesses and generalizations. Proceedings of the 39th IEEE Conference on Foundations of Computer Science, 1998, pp. ...
We consider the possibility of encoding m classical bits into much fewer n quantum bits so that an arbitrary bit from the original m bits can be recovered ...
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This motivates the study of quantum computation with restricted memory and no reinitialization, that is, of quantum finite automata. It was known that there are ...
This dissertation establishes limitations on the ways in which the exponentially many degrees of freedom hidden in quantum states may be accessed, ...
In classical coding, a single quantum state is encoded into classical information. Decoding this classical information in order to regain the original quantum ...