Dec 7, 2016 · Wireless sensor networks (WSNs), which can often be installed quickly and fairly economically, are useful for detecting threats (or events) ...
We present a solution based on the maximum likelihood method and evaluate its performance by simulation. We also describe a Bayesian approach that can be used ...
Jan 1, 2016 · Wireless sensor networks WSNs, which can often be installed quickly and fairly economically, are useful for detecting threats or events in a ...
People also ask
What is localization in wireless sensor networks?
How does wireless sensor network work?
What is a sensor network designed to collect information from?
What are hidden terminals and how do they affect the performance of wireless sensor networks?
The integration of sensor networks enhances the ability to detect events by providing real-time data from multiple locations, allowing for better situational ...
In particular, deciding if an event is present in the network region or not and inferring the location of the event when it is deemed present are two important ...
With this routing layer protocol, the system guarantees data message delivery to the base station. In addition, a new node can join the network by exchanging ...
Only the sensors that detect an event will send data back to the gateway, saving energy on communication between sensors and the gateway.
Dec 30, 2015 · Event detection in wireless sensor networks is a sophisticated method for processing sampled data directly on the sensor nodes, thereby reducing ...
ABSTRACT: Different mechanisms for event detection schemes are implemented in an event region detection in a wireless sensor network.
The extended MAX and ALL detect the change and identify a subregion where the event is located. Sensor noise can make the local decisions of ALL toggle rapidly.