In this paper we obtain several tight bounds for the differential in Cartesian product graphs. In particular, we relate the differential in Cartesian product ...
Jan 31, 2015 · Abstract. The differential of D is defined as ∂(D) = |B(D)|−|D| and the dif- ferential of a graph G, written ∂(G), is equal to max{∂(D) ...
Oct 22, 2024 · The differential of a set D is defined as ∂ (D)=|B(D)|−|D| and the differential of a graph to equal the maximum value of ∂(D) for any subset ...
Abstract. In this work we obtain several tight bounds for the differential of a graph and we relate the differential of a graph with some known parameters of ...
In this paper, we determine the computational complexity of r-Role Assignment restricted to Cartesian product of graphs, for r = 2, 3. In fact, we show that the ...
Differential in Cartesian Product Graphs. from en.wikipedia.org
In graph theory, the Cartesian product of two graphs G and H is the graph denoted by G × H, whose vertex set is the (ordinary) Cartesian product V(G) × V(H) ...
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Sep 19, 2016 · Here's a pair of big hints which will get you started in the right direction. First suppose that G1 has m vertices and G2 has n vertices.
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Differential in Cartesian Product Graphs. from en.wikipedia.org
The Cartesian product of two median graphs is another median graph. · The graph of vertices and edges of an n-prism is the Cartesian product graph K2□Cn. · The ...
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Differential in Cartesian Product Graphs. from www.aimspress.com
The aim of this paper is to illustrate how degree sequences may successfully be used over some graph products. Moreover, by taking into account the degree ...
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Dec 21, 2019 · Showing that a cartesian product ... I'm working through Guilleman and Pollack's Differential Topology. ... I prefer to use charts to see this, but ...
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