DigLA facilitates the automatic collection of digital traces from different locations in the underlying computer and system files and stores them locally for ...
The forensic traces identified by DigLA involve mainly chat logs, login credentials, significant files and folders, and the information embedded within them.
Oct 22, 2024 · This paper proposes a design for a user-friendly GUI-based forensic tool, DigLA, which provides a unified platform for analyzing Digsby log data ...
This research contributes to an in-depth understanding of the types of terrestrial artefacts that are likely to remain after the use of instant messaging ...
This paper proposes a design for a user-friendly GUI-based forensic tool, DigLA, which provides a unified platform for analyzing Digsby log data at different ...
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DigLA provides a graphical user interface to help forensic examiners identify relevant digital artifacts from Digsby logs without prior knowledge of where the ...
Research paper thumbnail of DigLA – A Digsby log analysis tool to identify forensic artifacts. DigLA – A Digsby log analysis tool to identify forensic artifacts.
This paper proposes a design for a user-friendly GUI-based forensic tool, DigLA, which provides a unified platform for analyzing Digsby log data at different ...
DigLA – A Digsby log analysis tool to identify forensic artifacts · Muhammad Yasin. 2013, Digital Investigation ; Searching heterogeneous personal digital traces.
there is a need to forensically analyze such tools to identify digital traces. In this paper, we present an analysis of Digsby log data to collect digital ...
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