Applications to the existence of directed triple systems with various automorphisms are outlined. AB - The obvious necessary conditions for a triple system of ...
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Apr 17, 2009 · Applications to the existence of directed triple systems with various automorphisms are outlined. Type: Research Article. Information. Bulletin ...
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Turning now to rotational automorphisms, recall that a triple system is k-rota- tional if it has an automorphism consisting of a single fixed point and k cycles ...
We introduce a class of ordered triple systems which are both Mendelsohn triple systems and directed triple systems.
We use the standard direct product A×B of STSs A and B: the STS for which. A×B is the set of points and whose triples have the form {(a, b1), (a, b2), (a, b3)},.
Missing: Directed class
Mar 25, 2016 · A class C of structures is said to be universal if every finite group is the automorphism group of a structure in C.
A directed triple system of order v, denoted DTS(v), is said to be bicyclic if it admits an automorphism whose disjoint cyclic decomposi- tion consists of two ...
Apr 15, 2015 · I was working on a problem in group theory, which asks about the automorphism group of a direct product of groups.
Missing: Directed triple class
The obvious necessary condition for the existence of a Steiner triple system of order u is that v z 1 or 3 (mod 6). It is well known that this is also ...
Missing: Directed class
Isomorphisms from an HTS. (DTS, MTS, TTS) onto itself are called automorphisms and form a group. Converses of transitive and cyclic triples are defined as (a, b ...