The paper reports on our first feasibility study: running a self-migrating version of the Cactus simulation code across the European grid testbed, including " ...
PDF | The Testbed and Applications working group of the European Grid Forum (EGrid) is actively building and experimenting with a grid infrastructure.
We report on the problems that had to be resolved for this endeavour and identify open research challenges for building production-grade grid environments.
The Testbed and Applications working group of the EU- ropean Grid Form (EGrid) is actively building and ex- perimenting with a grid infrastructure ...
A free platform for explaining your research in plain language, and managing how you communicate around it – so you can understand how best to increase its ...
Early Experiences with the EGrid Testbed. In First IEEE International Symposium on Cluster Computing and the Grid (CCGrid 2001), May 15-18, 2001, Brisbane ...
The paper reports on our first feasibility study: running a self-migrating version of the Cactus simulation code across the European grid testbed, including " ...
This testbed infrastructure provides resources to perform small to large scale Grid experiments as needed in the process of standardization, development and ...
Research paper thumbnail of Early experiences with the EGrid testbed. Early experiences with the EGrid testbed. by Peter Kacsuk, Tom Goodale, and Ludek ...
Towards standard testbeds for numerical relativity. M Alcubierre, G ... Early experiences with the Egrid testbed. G Allen, T Dramlitsch, T Goodale, G ...