Dec 1, 1996 · Remote memory transfers (RMTs) allow processors to access non-local memories without involving the remote processor.
Remote memory transfers (RMTs) allow processors to access non-local memories without involving the remote processor. As the only interprocessor ...
Remote memory transfers use DMA devices to allow processors to access remote memories without involving the remote processor. In general, accessing non-local ...
A method for copying and transferring data by remote data memory access resulting in faster data transfer speeds is provided.
Aug 2, 2023 · Shared memory enables efficient communication between processors in a system or data center by allowing multiple processors to access the same ...
Missing: conditional remote
[PDF] A New Design for Distributed Systems: The Remote Memory Model › viewcontent
Data Sharing: The remote memory server ... As long as no communication errors occur, NAFP transfers messages efficiently with no additional overhead.
Missing: conditional | Show results with:conditional
In this paper, we propose PRECISE, an identity-based private data sharing scheme in OSNs with big data, in which the data owner could broadcast private data to ...
Missing: memory transfers.
Mar 31, 2024 · Open. Nebula is a cloud computing platform that manages remote data centres and resources. In summary, cloud federation provides an adaptable.
Aug 21, 2023 · In this paper, we propose a novel remote shared data checking possession scheme that support group authority management.
Missing: conditional memory
May 17, 2024 · 2. It facilitates access to remote memory resources through a pass-by-reference approach, enabling efficient data sharing.
Missing: conditional | Show results with:conditional