Encapsulation and marking of MPEG-4 video over IP differentiated services. Abstract: Traditional IP networks offer users best-effort service. In this model ...
Section 4 describes our IP DiffServ Video Marking. Algorithm (DVMA). Simulation model and performance analysis are described in Section 5. Finally, we conclude.
This work proposes an algorithm to measure the loss impact of a video packet on the quality of the decoded video images and shows how the optimal Quality of ...
This article discusses technical issues related to the transport and the QoS control of MPEG-4 multimedia applications, such as interactive video-on-demand, ...
“Encapsulation and marking of MPEG-4 video over. IP differentiated services,” Proceedings of IEEE. Symposium on Computers and communications. 2001. Tunisia, pp ...
Exposing a Waveform Interface to the Wireless Channel for Scalable Video Broadcast · Encapsulation and marking of MPEG-4 video over IP differentiated services.
ABSTRACT - We propose a Two Markers System (TMS) to improve the delivery quality of MPEG video transmission. TMS places marker modules at both the video ...
IP DiffServ video packet Marking Algorithm, is presented and integrated in ... Mehaoua: Encapsulation and Marking of MPEG-4 Video over IP Differentiated Services.
... for real-time media is RTP [RFC3550]. RTP defines a common encapsulation format and handling rules for real-time data transmitted over the Internet.
Abstract. IP and MPEG-4 digital video are two key technologies that will be increasingly combined in the very near future for the deployment of next.