Jun 11, 2020 · In this paper, we improve the performance of neural machine translation (NMT) with shallow syntax (e.g., POS tag) of target language, which has ...
This paper improves the performance of neural machine translation with shallow syntax of target language, which has better accuracy and latency than deep ...
Enhanced Neural Machine Translation by Joint Decoding with Word and POS-tagging Sequences. Language: English; Authors: Feng, Xiaocheng1 (AUTHOR) Feng ...
Aug 4, 2020 · In this paper, we improve the performance of neural machine translation (NMT) with shallow syntax (e.g., POS tag) of target language, which has ...
Enhanced Neural Machine Translation by Joint Decoding with Word and POS-tagging Sequences. ... decoder) to jointly predict target word and POS tag sequences.
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In this paper, we improve the performance of neural machine translation (NMT) with shallow syntax (e.g., POS tag) of target language, which has better accuracy ...
We present three NMT decoding models (independent decoder, gates shared decoder and fully shared decoder) to jointly predict target word and POS tag sequences.
Many NLP tasks benefit from POS tagging, and it may help improve the quality of the machine translation. This study presents how we applied linguistic features ...
In this article, we propose an NMT model with tag-enhanced attention mechanism. In our model, NMT and POS tagging are jointly modeled via multi-task learning.
We present three NMT decoding models (independent decoder, gates shared decoder and fully shared decoder) to jointly predict target word and POS tag sequences.