Aug 23, 2022 · Recent studies have demonstrated that modeling the historical user behaviors in a session can help understand the current search intent.
We design three generative tasks that can help the encoder to infer the actual search intent: (1) predicting future queries, (2) predicting future clicked ...
Aug 23, 2022 · Recent studies have demonstrated that modeling the historical user behaviors in a session can help understand the current search intent.
Specifically, we design three generative tasks that can help the encoder to infer the actual search intent: (1) predicting future queries, (2) predicting future ...
Enhancing User Behavior Sequence Modeling by Generative Tasks for Session Search ; Proceedings of the 31st ACM International Conference on Information & ...
To help the encoding of the current user behavior sequence, we propose to use a decoder and the information of future sequences and a supplemental query. 1.
2023. Enhancing user behavior sequence modeling by generative tasks for session search. H Chen, Z Dou, Y Zhu, Z Cao, X Cheng, JR Wen. Proceedings of the 31st ...
Aug 23, 2022 · Users' search tasks have become increasingly complicated, requiring multiple queries and interactions with the results.
To help the encoding of the current user behavior sequence, we propose to use a decoder and the information of future sequences and a supplemental query.
Enhancing user behavior sequence modeling by generative tasks for session search. H Chen, Z Dou, Y Zhu, Z Cao, X Cheng, JR Wen. Proceedings of the 31st ACM ...