This study proposes a systematic method to estimate edge displacement (ED) from ground truth edges. To obtain ground truth edges and test edges, ...
This study proposes a systematic method to estimate edge displacement (ED) from ground truth edges. To obtain ground truth edges and test edges, a series of ...
Suyoung Seo: Estimation of edge displacement against brightness and camera-to-object distance. IET Image Process. 11(8): 568-577 (2017).
Estimation of edge displacement against brightness and camera-to-object distance. Suyoung Seo · Department of Civil Engineering. Research output: Contribution ...
Jun 9, 2017 · This study proposes a method to predict the amount of edge displacement (ED) caused by brightness difference in imaging.
Missing: Estimation | Show results with:Estimation
This study proposes a systematic method to estimate edge displacement (ED) from ground truth edges. To obtain ground truth edges and test edges, ...
Estimation of Edge Displacement against Brightness and Camera-to-Object Distance. Article. Apr 2017. Suyoung Seo. This study proposes a systematic method to ...
In this paper, we present a novel computational imaging system using a dual off-axis color filtered aperture (DCA) for distance estimation in a single-camera ...
Missing: displacement | Show results with:displacement
Displacement as it appears in the image is dependent on both the actual displacement of the measurement object and the spatial resolution of the camera setup.
A recent study has successfully utilized tilt cameras to achieve a high accuracy displacement estimation for a suspension bridge in laboratory settings, as well ...