Sep 23, 2014 · Abstract:Interconnected networks are mathematical representation of systems where two or more simple networks are coupled to each other.
Oct 5, 2015 · Our exact solution for the coupling threshold uncovers network topologies with unexpected behaviors. Specifically, we show conditions that ...
Our exact solution for the coupling threshold uncovers network topologies with unexpected behaviors. Specifically, we show conditions that superdiffusion, ...
Moreover, we observe that the structural transition disappears when one of the network components has vanishing algebraic connectivity [18–20], as is the case.
Exact Coupling Threshold for Structural Transition in Interconnected Networks ... interconnected network; thus, denoting a structural transition at p = p∗.
Oct 5, 2015 · property of interconnected networks: the coupling threshold p. ∗ is upper bounded by the algebraic connectivity of each network component.
This work shows conditions that superdiffusion can occur despite the network components functioning distinctly, and finds that components of certain ...
The coupling threshold--denoting this structural transition--is one of the most crucial concepts in interconnected networks. Yet, current information about the ...
Exact coupling threshold for structural transition reveals diversified behaviors in interconnected networks. Overview of attention for article published in ...
Bibliographic details on Exact Coupling Threshold for Structural Transition in Interconnected Networks.