To find and explore roles for interactive furniture in domestic spaces, we built EmotoCouch: a provocative prototype that uses combinations of color, patterns,.
We gathered feedback to the concept of an emotional couch from an online study with 138 participants and in a laboratory study with 14 parent-child pairs. Our ...
We gathered feedback to the concept of an emotional couch from an online study with 138 participants and in a laboratory study with 14 parent-child pairs. Our ...
Sep 13, 2014 · Exploring Interactive Furniture with EmotoCouch. People respond emotionally to other people, animals, or even objects like furniture. While ...
Sep 13, 2014 · People respond emotionally to other people, animals, or even objects like furniture. While current furniture is static in appearance, embedded electronics ...
Finding roles for interactive furniture in homes with EmotoCouch. S. Mennicken, J. Scott, A. Brush, and A. Roseway. UbiComp Adjunct, page 923-930. ACM ...
Through colored light, visual patterns, and haptic feedback, EmotoCouch expresses six emotional states: Excited, Happy, Calm, Depressed/Sad, Afraid, and Angry.
Finding roles for interactive furniture in homes with EmotoCouch. S Mennicken, AJB Brush, A Roseway, J Scott. Proceedings of the 2014 ACM International Joint ...
... Finding Roles for Interactive Furniture in Homes with EmotoCouch}, year=2014, }