Environment matting is a technique introduced to render photo-realistic images of objects that are either refractive or reflective, or both. It focuses on modeling the object's light transport characteristics, i.e. the environment matte, and al- lows the object to be seamlessly composited into a new background.
Environment matting is a technique to extract the environment matte which is used to describe how an object reflects and refracts the environment light.
People also ask
What is environmental matting?
What is environment matte in computer vision?
Environment matting is a technique to extract the environment matte which is used to describe how an object reflects and refracts the environment light.
Environment matting is a technique to extract the environment matte which is used to describe how an object reflects and refracts the environment light.
Environment matting is a technique to extract the envi- ronment matte which is used to describe how an object re- flects and refracts the environment light.
By exploiting the recently developed compressive sensing theory, we simplify the data acquisition process of frequency-based environment matting.
Frequency-based Environment Matting by Compressive Sensing. In this project, a new method based on compressive sensing to extract the environment matte of a ...
Frequency-based environment matting ... Wavelet Environment Matting, EGSR 2003. • J. Zhu and Y.-H. Yang. Frequency-Based Environment Matting, Pacific.
The paper proposed a new environment matting algorithm to model the appearance of transparent object under different background. We used the frequency ...
Oct 22, 2024 · The paper proposes a new environm ent matting algorithm to model the appearance of transparent object under different backgrounds. In the ...