We propose to strengthen static constraint generation with information obtained from static abstract interpretation and dynamic execution of the program.
First, DASH uses test generation not only to guide where to perform the refinement of the abstraction, but also to decide how the abstraction should be refined.
The unique feature of the algorithm is that it uses only test generation operations, and it refines and maintains a sound program abstraction as a consequence ...
In every iteration of the Dash algorithm, we first find an abstract error path (a path through the abstraction Σ≃) from the initial region to the error region.
The tests are an “underapproximation” of the program's behavior, and the abstraction is an “overapproximation” of the program's behavior. The goal is to either ...
Dec 9, 2012 · We describe the design and implementation of a constraint-based invariant generator for linear arithmetic invariants.
Feb 1, 2024 · Proof testing determines that the failure of critical components and parts could result in costly damage to equipment and even injury in severe cases.
Proofs are constructed by utilizing definitions, theorems and facts. So, to be able to do proofs you must have the relevant definitions, theorems and facts ...
Sep 9, 2024 · This book constitutes the proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Tests and Proofs, TAP 2024.