in this paper we present a new fully automatic glottis segmentation scheme that combines traditional bottom-up image processing techniques with high-level ...
In this paper we present a new fullautomatic glottis segmentation scheme that combines traditional bottom-up image processing techniques with high-level ...
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Nov 13, 2024 · In this paper we present a new fullautomatic glottis segmentation scheme that combines traditional bottom-up image processing techniques ...
Bibliographic details on Fully-automatic glottis segmentation with active shape models.
Compra online il PDF di Full-Automatic Glottis Segmentation With Active Shape Models, Cerrolaza, J.J.,Osma-Ruiz, V.,Gutiérrez-Arriola, J.M.,Villanueva, ...
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In this work, a novel approach for the automatic segmentation of vocal fold will be described, based on the concept of 'Active Shape Models'. This method is ...
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We present a new segmentation method which consists of a local-based active contour method for automatic segmentation with no user intervention.
In this study, we measured the long-term performance of a clinically optimized DNN for laryngeal glottis segmentation.
This work proposes for the first time a procedure to fully automatically segment not only the time-varying glottal area but also the vocal fold tissue ...
For active contour models, Karakozoglou et al. [16] make use of local-based features to achieve automatic glottis segmentation. In [17], global thresholding is ...