May 13, 2021 · In this paper, we introduce a Granger causality (GC) based approach to estimate the direction of PAC. This approach infers the directionality of ...
The results demonstrate that the proposed GC based di- rectional PAC measure can infer the direction of neural interactions across frequency bands. Index Terms— ...
A measure of the strength available for the excitation of collective pair transfer channels in heavy-ion reactions is introduced. This combines direct pair ...
GRANGER CAUSALITY BASED DIRECTIONAL PHASE-AMPLITUDE COUPLING MEASURE. Authors, Tamanna Tabassum Khan Munia, Selin Aviyente, Michigan State University, United ...
Functional connectivity is only a statistical measure of interdependence—phase difference does not imply a causal relation between signals of interest.
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Sep 24, 2022 · Phase amplitude coupling (PAC) is thought to play a fundamental role in the dynamic coordination of brain circuits and systems.
This measure is based on the phase-slope index (PSI) between the phase of slower oscillations and the power envelope of faster oscillations. Further, we propose ...
Phase-amplitude coupling (PAC) estimates the statistical dependence between the phase of a low-frequency component and the amplitude of a high-frequency ...
The authors introduce a novel method of measuring directed connectivity by applying the framework of Granger causality to phase shift events.
We present a new measure for assessing phase-amplitude CFC. This measure is defined as an adaptation of the Kullback–Leibler distance.