Ilmar Ansko received the B.Sc. degree in physics in 1997 and the M.Sc. degree in physics, in 2005 from University of Tartu, Tartu, Estonia. Since 2003, he has ...
Ilmar Ansko's 31 research works with 568 citations, including: Complete characterization of ocean color radiometers.
Ilmar Ansko. Degree. MSc (Applied Physics). Phone. +372 737 4515. E-mail: [email protected]. Tartu Observatory. Department of Remote Sensing. Senior Engineer.
Ilmar Ansko. Born on 30. märts 1973. COPY LINK. 737 4515. Üldinfo; Teenistuskäik ... Supervisor: Mart Noorma; Ilmar Ansko. R&D institutions: Tartu Ülikool. Last ...
Nov 27, 2023 · Ilmar Ansko CV. < Staff · Home; »; Staff; »; Ilmar Ansko. CV EST / CV ENG. Ilmar Ansko. Born on 30. märts 1973. COPY LINK.
Ilmar Ansko, Viktor Vabson, Riho Vendt, Tartu Observatory, ESTONIA. Page 2. Requirements for laboratories. Competent personnel. Environmental conditions.
Ilmar Ansko from frm4soc.org
Ilmar Ansko (Tartu Observatory) performing the radiometric measurements on the Valguta Mustjärv (660 m x 470 m) in Estonia. Signals measured by radiometers can ...
Some most remarkable findings are presented in the current presentation. Ilmar Ansko, Tartu Observatory, University of Tartu Viktor Vabson, Tartu ...
Ilmar Ansko, Joel Kuusk, Anu Reinart. (Tartu Observatory, Estonia). LISBON 2011. Page 2. Straylight: the problem. Page 3. Slit-scattering function. 300. 500.