Dec 14, 2018 · Abstract page for arXiv paper 1812.05932: Its All in a Name: Detecting and Labeling Bots by Their Name.
Dec 18, 2018 · First, we propose a novel random string detection model that is specifically designed to detect 15 character randomly generated strings. When ...
Beskow D, Carley KM (2018b) Introducing bothunter: a tiered approach to detection and characterizing automated activity on twitter. In: Halil B, Ayaz H ...
This research proposes a multi-model 'tool-box' approach in order to conduct detection at various tiers of data granularity and uses random string detection ...
Dec 20, 2018 · We distill the username into the number of uppercase and lowercase letters and the number of digits and punctuations, and the measure of string ...
Jan 1, 2019 · Bibliographic details on Its All in a Name: Detecting and Labeling Bots by Their Name.
Mar 15, 2024 · BeskowD.M. et al. Its all in a name: detecting and labeling bots by their name. Computational and Mathematical Organization Theory. (2019).
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Beskow DM, Carley KM (2019) Its all in a name: detecting and labeling bots by their name. Comput Math Organ Theory 25(1):24–35; Bessi A, Emilio F (2016) ...
Beskow et al. Its all in a name: detecting and labeling bots by their name. Computational and Mathematical Organization Theory. (2019). A. Bessi et al. Social ...
A graph-based approach to identify Twitter bots is proposed and as a first step employ classical network analysis to examine the behavior of bot accounts ...