Jiajia Rao from www.ndsu.edu
Dr. Rao's research is to foster long-term economic benefits for North Dakota and United States through value-added agricultural products.
Jiajia Rao. Associate Professor of North Dakota State University. Verified email at ndsu.edu. EmulsionNanoemulsionMicroencapsulationPlant protein ...

Jiajia Rao

Affiliation: North Dakota State University
Research interests: Emulsion, Nanoemulsion, Microencapsulation, and more
My research goal is to understand the structure and function relationships of food ingredients for improved quality and safety in food applications.
Jiajia Rao from www.researchgate.net
Skills and Expertise: Protein Characterization, Emulsions, Biopolymers, Plant Proteins, Antimicrobial Activity
Jiajia Rao received her Ph.D. in the area of food chemistry from the University of Massachusetts, Amherst in 2013. She is currently an Assistant Professor ...
Her main research areas include improving plant protein functionality, and developing value-added food ingredients derived from oilseed, pulse and cereal crops.
Jiajia Rao at North Dakota State University (NDSU) in Fargo, North Dakota teaches CFS 430 - Food Unit Operations, CFS 462 - Food Ingredient Technology, ...
Principal Investigator: Jiajia Rao | ResearchGate, the professional network for scientists.
Jiajia Rao is an academic researcher from North Dakota State University. The author has contributed to research in topics: Chemistry & Pea protein.
Semantic Scholar profile for Jiajia Rao, with 164 highly influential citations and 132 scientific research papers.