Jul 1, 2023 · In Stackelberg planning, a leader and a follower each choose a plan in the same planning task, the leader's objective being to maximize plan ...
In Stackelberg planning, a leader and a follower each choose a plan in the same planning task, the leader's objective be- ing to maximize plan cost for the ...
Lifted Stackelberg PlanningPhilipp Sauer1, Marcel Steinmetz1, Robert K ̈unnemann2, J ̈org Hoffmann1,31Saarland University, Saarland Informatics Campus, ...
Jul 8, 2023 · In Stackelberg planning, a leader and a follower each choose a plan in the same planning task, the leader's objective being to maximize plan ...
Feb 8, 2024 · In Stackelberg planning, a leader and a follower each choose a plan in the same planning task, the leader's objective being to maximize plan ...
This work devise leader-follower search algorithms working at the level of the PDDL-style input model to the extent possible and shows that, in Stackelberg ...
Stackelberg planning is a recent framework where a leader and a follower each choose a plan in the same planning task, the leader's objective being to maximize ...
This work designs leader-follower search, a state space search at the leader level which calls in each state an optimal planner at the follower level, ...
Stackelberg planning is a recently introduced single-turn two- player adversarial planning model, where two players are act- ing in a joint classical planning ...