ABSTRACT. Software product lines and model transformations are two techniques used in industry for managing the development of highly complex software.
Software product lines and model transformations are two techniques used in industry for managing the development of highly complex software.
[PDF] Lifting Transformational Models of Product Lines: A Case Study
www.cs.utexas.edu › ftp › icmt08
MDD creates programs by transforming models, and. SPLs elaborate programs by applying transformations called features. In this paper, we present the design and ...
Model driven development (MDD) of software product lines (SPLs) merges two increasing important paradigms that synthesize programs by transformation.
Aug 22, 2024 · We explain how we simplified our implementation by lifting selected features and their compositions from our original product line (whose ...
Lifting model transformations to product lines - Scite
scite.ai › reports › lifting-model-transfor...
Abstract: Software product lines and model transformations are two techniques used in industry for managing the development of highly complex software.
[PDF] Lifting Transformational Models of Product Lines: A Case Study
citeseerx.ist.psu.edu › document
MDE creates programs by transforming models, and SPLs elaborate programs by applying transformations called features. In this paper, we present the design and ...
Software product lines and model transformations are two techniques used in industry for managing the development of highly complex software.
This paper presents the design and implementation of a transformational model of a product line of scalar vector graphics and JavaScript applications and ...
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What type of transformation is used to develop a software process?
Software product lines and model transformations are two techniques used in industry for managing the development of highly complex software.