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Bibliographic information ; Title, Liner Shipping Network Design: Decision Support and Optimization Methods for Competitive Networks ; Author, Stefan Guericke.
The goal of this thesis is to develop decision support tools, which can be used to optimize container shipping networks while supporting competitive trans-.
Oct 1, 2020 · We present an in-depth literature overview of existing models and solution methods for liner shipping network design, and discuss the four main families of ...
This dissertation examines optimization methods and decision support for liner shipping network design. It proposes mathematical formulations and algorithms ...
Competitive Liner Shipping Network Design - ScienceDirect › article › abs › pii
We present a solution method for the liner shipping network design problem. •. The algorithm explicitly handles transshipment time limits for all demands.
The goal of this thesis is to develop decision support tools, which can be used to optimize container shipping networks while supporting competitive ...
We present a solution method for the liner shipping network design problem which is a core strategic planning problem faced by container carriers.
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The goal of this thesis is to develop decision support tools, which can be used to optimize container shipping networks while supporting competitive ...
[PDF] Competitive Liner Shipping Network Design - Global Maritime Hub › 2018/10
The goal of this thesis is to develop decision support tools, which can be used to optimize container shipping networks while supporting competitive trans-.
Oct 22, 2024 · Decision support models of shipping networks that enable ship liners to collaborate by forming alliances in service deployment can be ...