Feb 12, 2016 · Since 2012, the Semantic Web journal has been accepting papers in a novel Linked Dataset description track. Here we motivate the track and ...
Since 2012, the Semantic Web journal has been accepting papers in a novel Linked Dataset description track. Here we motivate the track and provide some ...
Jan 29, 2016 · The Semantic Web journal has been accepting papers in a novel ``Linked Dataset description'' track. Here we motivate the track and provide some analysis of the ...
Jan 27, 2016 · Thus, the goal for SWJ is in publishing descriptions of high-profile exemplars of what a Linked Dataset can and should be, no matter their topic ...
Since 2012, the Semantic Web journal has been accepting papers in a novel Linked Dataset description track. Here we motivate the track and provide some ...
Linked Dataset description papers at the Semantic Web journal: A critical assessment · List of references · Publications that cite this publication.
Since 2012, the Semantic Web journal has been accepting papers in a novel Linked Dataset description track. Here we motivate the track and provide some ...
Title, Linked Dataset Description Papers at the Semantic Web Journal: A Critical Assessment ; Authors, Aidan Hogan, Pascal Hitzler, Krzysztof Janowicz.
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Linked Dataset description papers at the Semantic Web journal: A critical assessment. Authors: Hogan, Aidan | Hitzler, Pascal | Janowicz, Krzysztof. Article ...
Linked Dataset Description Papers at the Semantic Web Journal: A Critical Assessment, Accept, 12,131 ; Comparison and Evaluation of Ontologies for Units of ...