Nov 20, 2007 · This paper summarises findings from a 2006 research project which evaluated MPs' web sites with regard to availability of information, content and usability.
Oct 22, 2024 · The purpose of this paper is to evaluate the content and usability of a sample of 50 UK MPs' web sites.
Abstract. Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to evaluate the content and usability of a sample of 50 UK. MPs' web sites.
The main reason why MPs set up web sites was to improve communications with their constituents, but many MPs had problems finding the time and funds to set ...
Previous research has identified how the internet has been used by sitting MPs as both a communication tool and as a tool for political campaigning. However, ...
Such research has found that MPs tend to use websites as 'brochureware', promoting their content in a similar way to an electronic brochure (Halstead, 2002; ...
This page is individuals interested in conducting research or an evaluation in Milwaukee Public Schools.
The use of the internet as an important political marketing tool has been recognized by elected represen- tatives as their websites become more and more ...
The three main types of program evaluation are planning, formative, and summative. Planning Evaluation: When the kitchen staff determines what type of meals, ...
Abstract. The use of the internet as an important political marketing tool has been recognized by elected representatives as their websites become more and ...