The migration procedure is based on a functionality perspective and comprises four steps: initiation, configuration, data processing and control execution. Its ...
This paper presents the challenges in the migration of a process control system and proposes a structured method for migration. The migration procedure proposed ...
This paper focuses on the process of migrating industrial process control systems into a SOA-based architecture. The challenges of step-wise migration of a ...
Oct 25, 2012 · The migration procedure is based on a functionality perspective and comprises four steps: initiation, configuration, data processing and control ...
This paper presents the challenges in the migration of a process control system and proposes a structured method for migration. The migration procedure proposed ...
The migration procedure is based on a functionality perspective and comprises four steps: initiation, configuration, data processing and control execution. Its ...
Mar 5, 2024 · In this article, we will explore the technology of service-orientated architectures (SOAs), a self-contained software unit designed to complete a specific task.
People also ask
What is the concept of SOA and service oriented architecture?
What is the process of system migration?
Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) for Integration of Field Bus Systems · Migration of industrial process control systems to service-oriented architectures.
The migration of legacy systems to SOA requires identi- fying services, which is considered the most challenging task of the overall mi- gration process [13].
[PDF] Enterprise integration using Service-Oriented Architecture › iis › 1_iis_2021_164-177
Migration of industrial process control systems to service-oriented architectures. International. Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing, 31(2), 175-198.