Nodes in Gaussian networks are labeled by Gaussian integers, which confer these topologies an algebraic structure based on quotient rings of the Gaussian integers. In this sense, Gaussian integers reveal themselves as the appropriate tool for analyzing and exploiting any type of toroidal network.
Aug 31, 2008
In this paper we consider a broad family of toroidal networks, denoted as Gaussian networks, which include many previously proposed and used topologies.
Oct 22, 2024 · In this paper we consider a broad family of toroidal networks, denoted as Gaussian networks, which include many previously proposed and used ...
We will define such networks by means of the Gaussian integers, the subset of the complex numbers with integer real and imaginary parts. Nodes in Gaussian ...
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Co-authors ; Modeling toroidal networks with the Gaussian integers. C Martínez, R Beivide, E Stafford, M Moreto, EM Gabidulin. IEEE Transactions on Computers 57 ...
For instance, Gaussian integers were proposed to define a broad family of toroidal networks [1]. Different architectural issues of the Dense Gaussian Networks ...
For any two positive integers a, b, the Gaussian networks are degree 4 symmetric networks with a2 + b2 nodes, and the EJ networks are symmetric degree 6 ...
Modeling toroidal networks with the Gaussian integers. C Martínez, R Beivide, E Stafford, M Moreto, EM Gabidulin. IEEE Transactions on Computers 57 (8), 1046 ...
Oct 22, 2024 · In this paper we consider a broad family of toroidal networks ... Nodes in Gaussian networks are labeled by Gaussian integers, which ...
Modeling Toroidal Networks with the Gaussian Integers · C. MartínezR. Beivide ... This paper defines a broad family of toroidal networks, denoted as Gaussian ...