Jun 14, 2007 · Network resilience measures the average two-terminal reliability (connectedness) of a network. Multiterminal resilience extends this measure ...
Network resilience measures the average two-terminal reliability (connectedness) of a network. Multiterminal resilience extends this measure to any k ...
Multiterminal resilience is examined on undirected series‐parallel networks, and an efficient (polynomial time) algorithm is developed for calculating the ...
Multiterminal resilience extends this measure to any k vertices; it is the average k-terminal reliability of a network. This generalizes two well-studied ...
Network resilience measures the average two-terminal reliability (connectedness) of a network. Multiterminal resilience extends this measure to any k ...
Network resilience measures the average two-terminal reliability (connectedness) of a network. Multiterminal resilience extends this measure to any k ...
Network operation may require that a specified number k of nodes be able to communicate via paths consisting of operating edges and nodes.
We develop polynomial time algorithms in the special case that the network is series-parallel, which subsume and generalize earlier methods for k-terminal ...
Network operation may require that a specified number k of nodes be able to communicate via paths consisting of operating edges and nodes.
This work introduces new measures to cover the possibility that certain problems may require a set constructed by some combination of the three, ...