This gives precise information-theoretic necessary and sufficient conditions for sketched subspace clustering. This can greatly improve computational efficiency ...
In this paper we study this phe- nomenon to derive precise information-theoretic necessary and sufficient conditions for sketched subspace clustering. To ...
Necessary and Sufficient Conditions for. Sketched Subspace Clustering. Daniel Pimentel-Alarcón, Laura Balzano & Robert Nowak. UNIVERSITY of WISCONSIN-MADISON.
This paper introduces a new metric between subspaces, which is called partial coordinate discrepancy, and is able to show that subspace clustering is ...
This gives precise information-theoretic necessary and sufficient conditions for sketched subspace clustering. This can greatly improve computational efficiency ...
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Our group has developed state-of-the-art approaches for subspace clustering when the data matrix is incomplete and in the active clustering context.
Feb 7, 2018 · Nowak, “Necessary and sufficient conditions for sketched subspace clustering,” in 54th Annual Allerton. Conference on Communication, Control ...
If all entries are observed, Nk = r + 1 is necessary and sufficient (assuming generic columns). If. ` = r + 1 (the minimum required), it is easy to see that.
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For instance, if we have images of several faces under varying illumination conditions, then data will be lying in a union of multiple 9-dimensional subspaces.
This paper considers the subspace clustering problem where the data contains irrelevant or corrupted features. We propose a method termed “robust Dantzig se ...
Missing: Necessary sketched