Dec 6, 1993 · New local and global error bounds are given for both nonmonotone and monotone linear complementarity problems.
Abstract. New local and global error bounds are given for both nonmonotone and mono- tone linear complementarity problems. Comparisons of various residuals ...
When the matrix associated with the LCP is nondegenerate, the new error bound is in fact global. This extends the error bound result of Mathias and Pang (1990) ...
Oct 20, 2016 · A new error bound for the linear complementarity problem when the matrix involved is a B-matrix is presented, which improves the corresponding ...
When the matrix associated with the LCP is nondegenerate, the new error bound is in fact global. This extends the error bound result of Mathias and Pang (1990) ...
New local and global error bounds are given for both nonmonotone and monotone linear comple- mentarity problems. Comparisons of various residuals used in these ...
Aug 7, 2023 · In this paper, a new error bound for the linear complementarity problems of $ B- $matrices which is a subclass of the $ P- $matrices is ...
Mar 15, 2020 · In this paper, we study the error bound of the approximate solution for the LCP( ) based on the function , and present some new error bounds.
Jun 20, 2017 · In this paper, we give a new error bound for the linear complementarity problem when the matrix involved is a B-matrix, which improves those ...
New local and global error bounds are given for both nonmonotone and monotone linear complementarity problems. Comparisons of various residuals used in ...