I believe there is a fundamental difficulty in applying object-oriented concepts at the specifi- cation and design level of real-time systems development. The ...
Object Orientation vs. Real-Time Systems—Response to Alan C. Shaw's Contribution. Zalewski, Janusz. Abstract. Publication: Real-Time Systems.
Builders of real-time systems often use priority scheduling in their systems without considering alternatives. This paper examines one alternative, ...
Object-oriented technologies are making a tremendous impact in software and systems development. To me, it is not clear, however, whether engineers doing real- ...
Annual Reviews in Control, 1999. This paper discusses the principles of software architectures for real-time systems. The fundamental idea of a real-time ...
"Object Orientation Vs. Real-Time Systems - Response To Alan C ...
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Object oriented technologies are making a tremendous impact in software and systems development. It is not clear, however, whether engineers doing real-time ...
Object Orientation vs. Real-Time Systems—Response to Alan C. Shaw's Contribution ; IEEE. Fostering functional safety of real-time systems with concepts of object ...
Alan Shaw. OriginalPaper Pages: 71 - 74. Object Orientation vs. Real-Time Systems—Response to Alan C. Shaw's Contribution. Janusz Zalewski. OriginalPaper Pages ...
Object Orientation vs. Real-Time Systems—Response to Alan C. Shaw's Contribution. Authors. Janusz Zalewski. Source Information. January 2000, Volume18(Issue1) ...
Alan C. Shaw: A Case For Object-Oriented Real-Time Systems (OORTS). 71-74 BibTeX · Janusz Zalewski: Object Orientation vs. Real-Time Systems - Response to Alan ...