We devise a projective algorithm which explicitly considers the constraint that an artificial variable be zero at the solution.
Jul 15, 1989 · Anstreicher has proposed a variant of Karmarkar's projective algorithm that handles standard-form linear programming problems nicely.
Oct 22, 2024 · Abstract. Anstreicher has proposed a variant of Karmarkar's projective algorithm that handles standard-form linear programming problems nicely.
Todd M(2019)Combining phase I and phase II in a potential reduction algorithm for linear programmingMathematical Programming: Series A and ...
On Anstreicher's Combined Phase I - Phase II Projective Algorithm for Linear Programming.
This paper describes an affine potential reduction algorithm for linear programming that simultaneously seeks feasibility and optimality. The algorithm is ...
May 27, 2017 · Kurt M. Anstreicher: A combined phase I-phase II projective algorithm for linear programming. Math. Program. 43(1-3): 209-223 (1989).
K. M. Anstreicher, A combined phase I-phase II projective algorithm for linear programming,Mathematical Programming 43 (1989), 209?223. https://doi.org/10.1007/ ...
This paper describes an affine potential reduction algorithm for linear programming that simultaneously seeks feasibility and optimality.
[75] M.J. Todd, “On Anstreicher's combined phase I–phase II projective algorithm for linear programming,” Math. Prog. 55 (1992) 1-15. [76] M.J. Todd ...