In many aspects, cryptanalyses of pairing based cryptography consider protocol level security and take difficulties of primitives for granted.
This paper studies a collection of such computational problems namely, the problems of inverting various pairings on elliptic or hyperelliptic curves. We.
Abstract. In many aspects, cryptanalyses of pairing based cryptogra- phy consider protocol level security and take difficulties of primitives for granted.
Nov 6, 2013 · An important computational assumption in pairing-based cryptography is that it is hard to invert pairings. This problem has been studied for ...
... The pairing inversion problem is the problem of inverting the bilinear map w.r.t some given element of G1 [13]. See [44, 19] for a recent study of this ...
Jan 8, 2015 · What you present is a generalized version of the so called fixed-argument pairing inversion (FAPI) problem. The FAPI problem is given an ...
This survey considers pairing inversion, where to the best of the author's knowledge, there are neither known feasible algorithms for pairing inversions nor ...
This shows that the dif- ficulty of pairing inversion problems has implications not just to pairing-based cryptography, but also to all crypto- graphy based ...
Sep 8, 2024 · Is it in theory possible to perform general Miller's algorithm inversion as used with the optimal ate pairing with large trace in subexponential ...
Apr 20, 2019 · It was quickly realised that there are two obstacles to pairing inversion: First it is necessary to invert the final exponentiation. Second one ...